The anxiety and dread that go along with fear is exhausting. It’s taxing on our mind and body to battle the desire to flee over and over again.
Fear causes faith fatigue.
Fear causes growth fatigue.
Fear causes prayer fatigue.
Know that’s part of it. It’s part of the gig.
Until we can tamp down our fear enough to take a few new steps forward, fatigue will be part of the equation. But the good news is fear is not our resting place. Fear isn’t the position where we have to try to find our footing. Fear is actually where we dig deep into our faith reserves.
Fear is our jumping-off place. It’s temporary. This is the place where we pause, take a deep breath, take a good look around, take stock of our abilities and go. We aren’t stuck. God never intended fear to be even the smallest part of our lives, so he certainly doesn’t intend for us to get comfortable there.
God is greater and more loving than our weariness. And he sees us doing allll the things to keep our noses above water. He treads water with us. He’s beside us. And when it’s time, he will nudge us in the direction he has for us. Not the direction we figured out for ourselves based on what our friends are doing or what’s popular. God knows our dreams are limited by our own thinking. So he dreams for us. And prepares us for what he already knew would be too heavy for us to accomplish alone.
Fear is very good at making us think we aren’t able.
Can you hear God laughing?
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