Fear is a complete and total misunderstanding on our part.
Here’s what I mean:
Fear prevents us from realizing not every situation is about us. We don’t always play the leading role. Maybe we need to do that hard uncomfortable thing because our showing up is actually for the benefit of someone else. For example, maybe sharing the gift of creativity is meant to lead someone else out of their own fear chokehold. Or maybe showing up at a social affair with your anxiety in tow is because another woman really needed your smiling face.
Fear makes us think we are dependent on us and us alone. In that moment of decision when presented with an opportunity to shine in a talent that doesn’t see much light, we tend to turn inward. How could I? Should I? I can’t do it without my partner. Yet, God gives us these moments to practice our faith in HIM – not ourselves or anybody else. Never ever does God tell us he will guard, guide, and love us right up until the moment of truth. No. He is our power when there is no other way. And he likes it like that just fine.
Fear makes us forget we can only control ourselves. Often the fear we hold has to do with how other people might react to us. But hear this: Another’s reaction is a chapter in their book – not ours. How another person thinks or responds to us is a curve in their road – not ours. Our responsibility is to the relationship we have with God first. If we pray for direction or courage or a specific next step, it’s God’s role to handle how other people adjust. And he’s ready. He already knows what’s ahead.
Fear makes us forget we can change our minds about things. Just because we’ve always responded a certain way or maintained a certain opinion doesn’t mean we can’t have a different reaction or a different thought. We’re expected to grow and learn throughout our lives. And that means we should mature and gain new wisdom. It’s natural that a change in behavior would follow. So, let’s change up routine (or even habitual) reactions by dipping into some insight God has given about the challenges we face.
Fear is sneaky and convincing. Give yourself time and space to think and pray before leaping to decisions or conclusions.
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