Ya know how when a child gets a gift, they are filled with excitement and wonder for about 13 seconds and then they toss that toy aside as they look for the next?
We (“adults”) tend to do that with our gifts, too.
We sit in our well-appointed warm homes mere steps from a well stocked refrigerator and pantry and pine for that one new rug. Or for new paint in the dining room. Or for a bigger garage. Or more closet space.
We sit in a restaurant where we’re waiting to be served while wearing expensive clothes, sipping wine and dream of a vacation.
Or, we plea for God to make us different. In a hundred ways, we want to be different than he – in his infinite might, love for us and wisdom – made us.
God showers us with gifts, does he not?
I mean, he doesn’t necessarily shop where we shop, but he doesn’t let us go hungry – for anything. And for that, we should probably offer him more than our 13 seconds.
Boots are optional, but if you have chickens or kids, I’d suggest these. Both are easy on, easy off, waterproof and cute.
Tall boots >> https://www.muckbootcompany.com/muck-w-hale-herri/HAW1HB.html
Short boots >>https://www.xtratuf.com/xt-w-6-ank-deck/XWAB100.html?country=US¤cy=USD&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgYSTBhDKARIsAB8Kukuwz2Jl6JxaG4-Y1i_lTQNhdzoaQCj1iyOIl7m6NgbnLBvlyKpMbXgaAhnSEALw_wcB
We got this.
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