I don’t consider myself a minimalist at all. But there are certain parts of my life that I definitely like a lot better when I have the discipline to de-clutter. Clutter in random places puts up a barrier. It creates small annoyances that change my mood and inserts insecurities that prevent me from experiencing max…
Prayer Points on Fear
There is nothing in our lives we can’t pray about. Barking dogs, bad hair, tight hamstrings, messy closets…nothing. God wants it all. Remember, prayer is an act of obedience and he knows being obedient in all things takes practice on our part. So hit your knees often. Sometimes, words fail us – especially when a…
Fear and Fatigue
The anxiety and dread that go along with fear is exhausting. It’s taxing on our mind and body to battle the desire to flee over and over again. Fear causes faith fatigue. Fear causes growth fatigue. Fear causes prayer fatigue. Know that’s part of it. It’s part of the gig. Until we can tamp down…
Fear is its Name
Call it what it is. It’s called Fear. We know how to identify it because we know the feeling. We know the anxiety and dread. We are familiar with the regret it causes. Yes, we know our fear well. It’s the resolution to our fear where we sometimes get foggy. So let’s call out the…
Fear is One Big Misunderstanding
Fear is a complete and total misunderstanding on our part. Here’s what I mean: Fear prevents us from realizing not every situation is about us. We don’t always play the leading role. Maybe we need to do that hard uncomfortable thing because our showing up is actually for the benefit of someone else. For example,…
What is Fear?
Fear is pointless. And it produces nothing. It has the ability to drag you down and away if you let it, but left on its own, it’s nothing. As a standalone product or vehicle, it has no power. Only when it’s fueled by our reactions does it take on life. I want you to really…
How God Gives Direction
Seems like we often lie in wait for God to give us direction. We have our quiet time while the house is dark and still. We hold our Bibles and pray God will just tell us what to do, to make something very clear, or just fix the whole thing. So we sit and we…
No Such Thing As Ordinary Book Review
First Impression I was one chapter into this new book by author Rachel Balducci and had to stop reading. I was initially taken by her handle on her faith and her humor because both rank high in likeability to me. Anybody that can turn a multi-decade parenting gig into a Christian parenting example has got my…